Posts in Government
Annual Government Shutdown Threat Averted - IFPTE Weighs In with Locals

In a series of emails sent this week from IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Matt Biggs updating Locals on a potential federal government shutdown, he shared that “we are just eight days away from the end of Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20), and none of the twelve annual spending measures has been approved by Congress… absent passage of a continuing resolution by the end of the month, the government will shut down.”

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SOLIDARITY ALERT: NAIJ Statement Ahead of Possible Furloughs of USCIS Federal Employees

In a statement decrying the possible furloughs at the US Customs and Immigration Service, NAIJ noted that “preventing [USCIS] from pursuing its mission by furloughs of its workforce is short-sighted and misguided. It harms U.S. citizens who seek to be united with family members, harms U.S. businesses--large and small--in need of workers to fill jobs Americans do not choose to fill, and harms those seeking refuge from persecution abroad.”

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NAIJ Explains the Truth Behind the Immigration Courts and DOJs Attempt to Decertify the Union

“Imagine going to a court where you’ve been charged by a prosecutor, and when you come to court you find out that the judge is hired by the prosecutor and can be fired by the prosecutor and then ultimately the prosecutor can come in and overrule the judge if he is not satisfied by the process,” said Ashley Tabaddor, president of the NAIJ, at a March press conference.

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SOLIDARITY ALERT: Labor, Community Organizations Join EA to Protest TVA Offshoring of Federal Government Jobs

Leaders and staff from the Engineering Association (EA/IFPTE Local 1937) were joined by the Knoxville and Chattanooga Central Labor Councils and other community organizations in the Tennessee Valley to protest the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) continued efforts to export as many as 220 federal jobs.

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