IFPTE Applauds Julie Su’s Nomination for Secretary of Labor

IFPTE calls President Biden’s Labor Secretary nominee
“a champion of working families and their unions”



WASHINGTON, D.C. – The executive officers of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), representing 90,000 workers across North America, applauded President Biden’s nomination of Julie Su to be Secretary of Labor. 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs:

“IFPTE commends President Biden on his nomination of Julie Su to be our nation’s next Secretary of Labor.  Julie Su not only has the experience necessary and a proven track record of producing pro-worker results leading California’s labor department, and currently as Deputy Secretary of Labor, she has spent a lifetime fighting for working people.  She will hit the ground running in following the great work of Secretary Walsh in implementing the Biden Administration’s policies of putting workers first.  She understands firsthand the benefits that come with a union card and will no doubt work hard toward leveling the playing field for workers seeking to organize unions.  Julie Su is a champion for working families and their unions and IFPTE fully supports her nomination.”


IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson: 

“Julie Su is a daughter of immigrants, a former Civil Rights attorney, and the former Commissioner of Labor in California.  She has made a career of fighting to represent all workers, including our most vulnerable workers, including those who were made to do forced labor right here in the United States.  Julie Su also directly took on wage theft in the State of California by implementing the “Wage Theft is a Crime” campaign.  And she is a steadfast and unapologetic supporter of collective bargaining rights, something that President Biden has prioritized in his administration.  IFPTE applauds this nomination and looks forward to urging all Senators to support it.”


Julie Su is the current Deputy Secretary of Labor.  Learn more about her here.


Download a PDF of this press release here.