IFPTE Endorses Jody Owens, II for District Attorney

Owens “understands that the quickest and most sustainable ticket to the middle class is through belonging and being represented by a Union”


WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), representing upwards of 90,000 workers across North America, announced their endorsement of Jody Owens, II for reelection to serve as Hinds County District Attorney. 

Below are comments from IFPTE national leaders: 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs: “District Attorney Owens has a long and distinguished career in public service, has worked everywhere from Capitol Hill to the Hinds County DA’s office, and has fought as a civil rights lawyer outside of government to protect the rights of working families and the most vulnerable people in our society.   There is little doubt that he will continue that commitment to serving our community and working families as District Attorney.  IFPTE is proud to support him.” 

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson: “Jody Owens has proven time and time again that he will take on tough challenges and has no problem bringing justice on behalf of working families.  He supports Unions and we support him.”

IFPTE Atlantic Area Vice President/IFPTE Local 196 President Sean McBride: “Having the honor to continue to represent public sector Union members in New Jersey, I know firsthand how very important it is to support and elect people like District Attorney Owens in Mississippi.  I am from New Jersey, a SOLID Union state, and have family, friends, and Union Sisters and Brothers in Mississippi that I am working with to organize the unorganized and expand union membership in the state.  District Attorney Owens understands that the quickest and most sustainable ticket to the middle class is through belonging to and being represented by a Union.  As he seeks another term as District Attorney, he will do all he can to protect the right to organize and bargain collectively and we are honored to support him.” 

Jody E. Owens, II is the District Attorney for Hinds County (Jackson), Mississippi. Prior to being elected District Attorney, DA Owens spent 10 years as a civil rights lawyer fighting for the rights of vulnerable, marginalized, and working families in Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Alabama.  Jody Owens is a Lieutenant in the United States Navy Florida and has proudly served his country for over ten years. Jody is a graduate of Jackson State University and earned his law degree from Howard University School of Law. 


September 27, 2023
Contact: Candace M Rhett

IFPTE Endorses Jody Owens, II for District Attorney (pdf)