IFPTE Weighs In on CHIPS and Science Act Ahead of Congressional Passage

This week, Congress passed the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, legislation that commits $54 billion in domestic semiconductor manufacturing and provides over $220 billion to set national priorities for federal R&D, emerging technologies, and advanced manufacturing.

In anticipation of full Senate votes on the bill, IFPTE alerted lawmakers that the bill, “supports critical technologies for advanced manufacturing and commits to advancing research and development in key emerging technologies, strengthens federal R&D infrastructure, and establishes National Science Foundation-led partnerships and collaborations that include labor.” 

While supporting the bill, IFPTE also expressed concern with the inclusion of language that calls for a National Science Foundation study of the NASA workforce absent any union involvement, and the bill’s failure to extend funding for the the soon-to-be-expiring Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program. 

Read the full IFPTE letter here.  

Read the AFL-CIO’s letter here.