Posts tagged Science
IFPTE Endorses Reps. Sánchez, Pascrell, and 182 Representatives' Letter to Commerce Dept. Urging Federal Funds Support Commitment to High-Skilled STEM Jobs and High-Road Labor Practices

184 Members of Congress joined a comment letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce requesting that federal investments flowing from the CHIPS and Science Act require strong labor standards, commitments to workforce development, support good paying union jobs, and benefit American workers.

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IFPTE Weighs In on CHIPS and Science Act Ahead of Congressional Passage

In anticipation of full Senate votes on the CHIPS and Science Act, IFPTE alerted lawmakers that the bill, “supports critical technologies for advanced manufacturing and commits to advancing research and development in key emerging technologies, strengthens federal R&D infrastructure, and establishes National Science Foundation-led partnerships and collaborations that include labor.”

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