IFPTE Welcomes Pavel Gerardo to the International’s Organizing Staff

IFPTE is proud to announce the hiring of Pavel Gerardo as the newest IFPTE international staff member.  Pavel will join the International’s organizing staff and will be working to grow IFPTE’s ranks through both internal organizing at existing IFPTE Locals, as well as new organizing opportunities. 

IFPTE president, Matt Biggs, commented that “Brother Gerardo brings to IFPTE over two decades of organizing experience and is a welcomed addition to our staff.”  Secretary-Treasurer Henson noted that “Pavel has already hit the ground running in assisting Local 195 in growing their ranks internally, something desperately needed given the attacks on Local 195 from anti-union forces like the right-to-work foundation.  We are happy that he is a part of the IFPTE family.”   Pavel also commented:  “Throughout my career in the labor movement I have worked across North America and in the Caribbean organizing diverse groups of workers.  I am very happy to be able to continue to organize workers with IFPTE and am excited to work with our Locals in growing our membership.” 

Pavel Gerardo has over twenty years of organizing experience, having worked for UNITE/HERE, SEIU, and UFCW.  Welcome to IFPTE Brother Gerardo! 

Candace RhettPavel Gerardo