LESA/IFPTE Local 28 Holds Leadership Training/Retreat Meeting

Lewis Engineers and Scientists Association (LESA/IFPTE Local 28), held their inaugural Officer’s retreat/training session this week at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio.  LESA president, Dr. John Betterson, delivered leadership training and covered specific topics to increase leadership competencies in the areas of Emotional Intelligence, effective communication, as well as union and management partnerships.

Dr. Betterson commented “LESA/IFPTE Local 28 held this retreat/training to re-energize the board and provide helpful tools for our officers to use as we engage with our bargaining unit employees to mitigate work-related issues. It was a productive and insightful meeting and I thank all of LESA’s officers for attending.” 

The training also included training by LESA 1st Vice President/Parliamentarian, Dr. Bilal Bomani, on how to conduct effective meetings through deploying methods like Roberts Rules of Order.  IFPTE president, Matt Biggs, and legislative director, Faraz Khan, also attended the meeting and provided an update on the current legislative issues before Congress impacting NASA workers, as well as the IFPTE internal organizing and training resources available to LESA.