New Jersey Drops the Ball on Fixing Rising Healthcare Premiums for Public Sector Workers

IFPTE was disappointed to learn that a fix from the New Jersey legislature and Governor to skyrocketing health insurance premiums for local and municipal workers in the state is not imminent.  The news comes after a nearly two month coordinated effort by labor, that included IFPTE, and was led by the New Jersey AFL-CIO. 

IFPTE Local 196 President/Atlantic Area Vice President/New Jersey AFL-CIO Vice President, Sean McBride, has been representing IFPTE on the coalition, and provided the following comments:  “IFPTE joins our Sisters and Brothers in the labor community in expressing our extreme disappointment that the Governor and legislature failed to come up with a worker-friendly plan to mitigate the huge spikes in healthcare premiums for local government workers, including many IFPTE members.  While we will continue to work through this year’s budget process to procure relief, these workers are facing as much as a 20 percent hike in premiums until a solution is procured, something they simply can’t afford.  IFPTE will remain committed to working with our labor coalition to seek an acceptable fix to this serious issue.”  


12/16/2023 – IFPTE Local 196 joins unprecedented coalition of unions, municipal government management, lawmakers calling for solution to healthcare hikes