Posts in Government
Pallister Government responds to IFPTE regarding their union busting legislation

IFPTE President, Paul Shearon, commented that “instead of pushing legislation to gut Manitoba’s public sector labour law, the Pallister government should instead be proud that Provincial workers have strong collective bargaining and due process protections, and urge Canadian jurisdictions elsewhere to emulate them, not the other way around. IFPTE urges members to join the Manitoba Federation of Labour’s campaign to defeat Bill 16.”

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Pallister Government Takes Aim at Manitoba's Public Sector Workers and Their Unions -- IFPTE Weighs In

IFPTE responded this week to legislation (Bill 16) being advocated for by Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister, aimed squarely at Provincial workers and their unions, declaring that the effort, “will lead to further divisiveness in labour relations with Manitoba’s public servants, and result in a disservice to taxpayers.”

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Ruling to Remove Union Rights from Immigration Judges is "Unjust"

On Election Day, the Trump Administration's Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) issued a stunning decision that all members of the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ/IFPTE Judicial Council 2) would lose their collective bargaining rights because they are supposedly managers. In what was described by FLRA member Ernie DuBester, who dissented from the misguided ruling, called the ruling of his two FLRA colleagues, "the antithesis of reasoned decision-making."

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Latest Trump Administration Executive Order Aims to Destroy the Federal Civil Service - IFPTE, FWA Fight Back

IFPTE has joined in coalition with FWA unions in urging lawmakers to block implementation of Executive Order 13957. The FWA urged a defund of the order, warning lawmakers that it is intended to “eviscerate the federal government’s merit system principals, open the door to the politicization of the federal workforce, strip hundreds of thousands of federal workers of their due process rights, and give agencies carte blanche to dismantle collective bargaining units.”

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