IFPTE Endorses Reps. Sánchez, Pascrell, and 182 Representatives' Letter to Commerce Dept. Urging Federal Funds Support Commitment to High-Skilled STEM Jobs and High-Road Labor Practices

Last week, 184 Members of Congress joined a comment letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce requesting that federal investments flowing from the CHIPS and Science Act require strong labor standards, commitments to workforce development, support good paying union jobs, and benefit American workers. Led by four members of the House Ways and Means Committee — Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (D-CA), Congressman Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), Congressman Brian Higgins (D-NY), and Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) — the bipartisan letter reminds the Commerce Department that, “Congress carefully designed these incentives to foster resilient domestic supply chains and bolster U.S. competitiveness while creating tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction, high skilled manufacturing, and STEM jobs.”

The CHIPS and Science Act represents a historic investment in rebuilding advanced manufacturing and supply chains in the U.S. semiconductor industry, an investment that should be matched with supporting research, design, development, and production jobs in the industry. The letter notes the significant need to rebuild the industrial capacity, restore U.S. leadership and invest in talent pipelines in this strategic industry:

“American scientists and engineers invented the semiconductor. American workers were at the forefront of semiconductor manufacturing. Over the past two years, the US has faced critical supply bottlenecks, creating significant economic and national security concerns.

The Department of Commerce has the opportunity and responsibility to prioritize a rapid return to domestic manufacturing to prevent subsequent shortages and create good jobs, innovation, and robust domestic supply chains. Companies must also pay the industry standard with benefits. American workers deserve the right to care for their families and retire with dignity and financial security. The CHIPS and Science Act gives America a once-in-a-generation opportunity to live up to that promise.”

IFPTE thanks the Members of Congress who signed on to the letter, including Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA). The letter is endorsed by IFPTE, the AFL-CIO, the AFL-CIO’s Department of Professional Employees, and several unions.

Read Rep. Sánchez’s press release and the comment letter to the Department of Commerce here.