Posts in Government
Statement by IFPTE President Matt Biggs on Announcement by Vice President Harris and Labor Secretary Walsh on Boosting Union Representation for Federal Workers

Elections have consequences. This weeks’ announcement by Vice President Kamala Harris and U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh on boosting union representation in the federal sector is a positive consequence that stands in stark contrast to the policies of the previous administration.

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IFPTE Urges Support for Kilmer Amendments in Support of Navy Workers

IFPTE shipyard Local presidents signed a letter last week urging shipyard lawmakers to back two key amendments being authored by Washington State Congressman Derek Kilmer to the House National Defense Authorization Act to make whole Navy workers who lost pay and other benefits as a result of the Accellerated Promotion Program (APP) loophole, and the expand the scope of overtime pay for civilian shipyard employees working abroad

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Congress Begins Consideration of 2022 Budget Reconciliation Bill – IFPTE Weighs In with Ways and Means Committee Letter

This week, the committees in the House of Representatives began debating legislative proposals for the 2022 Budget Reconciliation package. In a letter to the Ways and Means Committee, IFPTE advocated in favor of provisions to expand Trade Adjustment Assistance, strengthening the proposed paid family and medical leave benefit, expanding Medicare benefits, and for “progressive pay-fors to offset the cost of the bill’s investments in innovation infrastructure, resilient supply chains, housing, clean energy, education, healthcare, childcare, paid leave, labor law enforcement, and more.”

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GovernmentCandace Rhett
WAPSO Joins City of Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord

On Thursday, July 29, the Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers-Local 162 (WAPSO) took a historic step in becoming the first labour organization in Manitoba to become a partner to the City of Winnipeg’s Indigenous Accord.

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