Posts in Government
IFPTE Tells Members of the House to Vote Against Anti-Federal Worker Amendments in Defense Appropriations Bill

The House of Representatives considered the Defense Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2025 with floor amendments that seek to limit telework for some Department of Defense employees and defund President Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” which provides federal employees with needed time (up to four hours) to vote and engage in nonpartisan voter registration activities, as well as improve voting access for uniformed service members.

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House Water Resources Development Act Bill Includes Language for Secure Lock and Dam Operations and Protects IFPTE Members’ Work

The House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee marked up their version of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) with a version of IFPTE-requested language that protects lock and dam operations and hydroelectric operations from being performed and controlled through remote offsite operations.

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Federal Workers Alliance Delegation of Local Union Leaders Meets with Key Administration Policy Staff

a Federal Workers Alliance (FWA) delegation of federal sector local union leaders, including leaders from IFPTE Local 3, met with Biden-Harris Administration policy staff who focus on federal workforce and labor issues, including those responsible for developing and following up on the recommendations in the White House’s Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment report.

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IFPTE Shares NDAA Amendment Priorities with House Armed Services Committee

With several key amendments set to be debated and included in the House National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25 NDAA), IFPTE asked House Rules Committee members to support key amendments that protect the civil service, support veterans benefits, protect domestic supply chains, and labor standards for federal government contracting firms.

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IFPTE Tells Senate Committee to Support Dept. Of Labor’s STEM and High-Skill Workforce Development Grants

As the Senate considers reauthorizing federal workforce development authorities and works on drafting the next version of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, IFPTE sent a letter to Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee leadership to request the Committee ensure employer fees from the H-1B visa program continue to support the Department of Labor’s (DOL) H-1B Skills Training Grants for domestic recruitment in STEM and STEM-related occupations. 

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IFPTE Urges Congress to Make HSA’s Available to Our Nation’s Veterans

Led by SPEEA NW Area Vice President/SPEEA & IFPTE Veterans Committee member, Jeff Forbes, IFPTE sent a letter this week to Washington State Congressman, Rick Larsen, asking that he lead an effort in the United States Congress to fix a loophole in the law that prevents Veterans that use their earned Tricare benefit from participating in Health Savings Accounts (HSA) programs.

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IFPTE Warns House Agriculture Committee that Farm Authorization Bill Will Harm Food Security for Working People, Children, Military Families, Veterans, and Seniors

Before the House Agriculture Committee began an all-day markup of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, IFPTE urged Members of the Committee to oppose the legislation as includes cuts to nutrition programs that the most vulnerable working Americans and their families count on.

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