Posts in Government
IFPTE Urges Senators to Advance Honoring Our PACT Act and Fulfill Our Nation's Promise to Veterans

As the Senate once again considers advancing and passing the Honoring Our PACT Act this week, IFPTE told Senators — and, in particular, the 25 Senators who voted for bill voted in June only to vote against advancing the bill last week — that, “we urge you in the strongest terms possible to pass the motion to close debate and to vote to pass this legislation so that our nation may fulfill its promise to veterans.”

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IFPTE Supports Passage of Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

In a statement supporting the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 IFPTE notes that the union “supports the course that this legislation plots for our nation with regard to reducing inflation, lowering prescription drug costs, moving toward a greener economy, and maintaining and growing good paying, union represented jobs.”

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National Association of Immigration Judges File Union Election Petition Seeking to Restore Collective Bargaining Rights

Earlier this year, a Trump-appointed majority on the FLRA, bucking precedent, stripped immigration judges of their collective bargaining rights and union protections. Now, the judges are back filing a petition seeking the restoration of their rights with an FLRA board that includes a new member.

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IFPTE Hosts Dept. of Education Webinar on Limited Public Service Loan Forgiveness Waiver, Which Ends Oct 31

IFPTE hosted a webinar with the U.S. Department of Education to highlight the limited Public Service Loan Forgiveness waiver and how IFPTE members can apply before the upcoming October 31 deadline. This program is meant to eliminate the balance of student loan debt for people who work or have worked in government or nonprofit jobs and made 120 payments.

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IFPTE Weighs In on House Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act

As the House of Representatives prepared to consider the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act, IFPTE sent a letter to all House lawmakers outlining the Federation’s support for the underlying bill, as well as providing positions on several proposed amendments filed as a part of the bill’s consideration. 

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Marylanders Go to the Polls Tuesday, July 19

Maryland's Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, July 19 from 7am to 8pm. IFPTE has endorsed Katie Curran O’Malley in the race for the state’s Attorney General and Glenn Ivey for the 4th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives, and we ask you to consider supporting them if you have not already voted by mail or at an early voting center.

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IFPTE Requests House Pass the Honoring Our PACT Act and Send Veterans Health Toxic Exposure Legislation to President's Desk

As House of Representatives puts the Honoring Our PACT Act to a final vote, IFPTE requested Representatives pass the bill to “correct a grave and ongoing error by providing overdue and necessary healthcare – including mental health services – and disability benefits to as many as 3.5 million veterans with service-connected exposure to toxins, burn pits, and other hazardous material.”

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AFL-CIO Convention Passes EA-IFPTE Local 1937's Resolution Supporting TVA Eligibility for Zero-Carbon Advanced Nuclear Energy Grants

This week , AFL-CIO unions joined together to call for expanding clean energy union jobs and committing to advanced technology to combat climate change in the Tennessee Valley by passing a convention resolution titled “TVA Eligibility for Department of Energy Grants.”

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