Posts in Labor Rights
IFPTE Shares Positions on NDAA Amendments Ahead of House Rules Committee's Consideration

On Friday, the House passed the NDAA without the customary strong bipartisan support that the NDAA has received in years past. The House bill passed with several troubling amendments that would cut health services for armed service members and defund numerous DoD components and civilian positions related to diversity, without considering the impacts.

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Local 98 Honors and Thanks Brother Franco DiCroce with the Local’s Lifetime Achievement Award 

After nearly four decades of federal service, Franco DiCroce retired from the United States Army Corps of Engineers at the end of June.  In doing so, Brother DiCroce was also presented with the much deserved Local 98 Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing him for his nearly four decades of service to his fellow colleagues and union members. 

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IFPTE Thanks Biden Admin. for Recommitting to Student Debt Relief, Voices Disapproval of Supreme Court Decisions Against Student Debt Relief, Affirmative Action, and Anti-Discrimination Protections

IFPTE leadership commented on the Supreme Court’s ill-considered and ideologically driven decisions on the President’s authority to relieve student debt, affirmative action policies, and legal anti-discrimination protections, all of which “threaten the interests of working people”

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IFPTE Advocates for Labor-Backed FLRA Nominees, Requests Senate Advance Nancy Speight for FLRA Member and Suzanne Summerlin for FLRA General Counsel

Earlier this month, President Biden sent the nominations of Nancy Speight and Suzanne Summerlin for FLRA Member and FLRA General Counsel to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC). IFPTE sent a letter asking HSGAC Chairman Gary Peters (D-MI), Ranking Member Rand Paul (R-KY), and Senators on the Committee to advance both nominees quickly. 

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TEAM-Local 161 and the CCPA Release Study, "For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Privatization of Manitoba Telecom Services and its Impacts"

On June 20, in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), TEAM - IFPTE Local 161 held a press conference announcing the release chronicling how the privatisation of MTS, once an engine of the Manitoba economy, has resulted in significant job loss, poor rural and northern phone service, and high rates.

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Senate HELP Committee Considers The PRO Act – IFPTE Urges a “Yes” Vote

On Wednesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee considered amending and advancing the the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act .  IFPTE urged the Committee members to approve the legislation without any amendments that would weaken or delay the the bill’s ability to restore legal protections for workers right to organize and join union, bargain collectively, and ensure meaningful and effective enforcement of labor law violations.

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